January 9-10, 2018

On January 9-10, I helped Brookline Interactive Group (a local public access television station) film a two night concert put on by Brookline Public Schools’ 6th through 12th grade chorus and orchestra students. It was a four camera camcorder setup, and they also had two 360 cameras.

The following text comes from the Brookline Education Foundation’s YouTube channel about this piece:
“Brookline High School, Driscoll School, Lincoln School, Heath School, and Baker School chorus and orchestra students perform ‘Let Us Rise as a People’ on January 9, 2018.

Jim Papoulis, one of the most highly sought-after internationally renowned composers, conductors, educators, and producers of music worked together with Brookline Public Schools’ 6th- through 12th-grade students to create a moving and inspirational song called, ‘Let Us Rise as a People,’ which speaks about learning to listen to one another, bringing our voices together and rising up as a people. This project is part of ‘The Gift of Music,’ awarded to the Public Schools of Brookline’s Performing Arts Department by the Brookline Education Foundation on the occasion of its 35th Anniversary.”

For more information about Brookline Interactive Group, click here.


October 14, 2017

This weekend, I helped volunteer for an interactive experience put on at HUB Week in downtown Boston by Brookline Interactive Group (a local public access television station) and STAT. HUB Week is a week-long event that is dedicated to showcasing art, science, and technology throughout several venues. STAT is a national publication that is produced by Boston Globe Media and they do online storytelling about health, medicine, and scientific discovery. They produce daily news, investigative articles, and narrative projects. This year, STAT decided to team up with BIG to do a different type of storytelling through the virtual reality (VR) experience.

Brookline Interactive Group (BIG) filmed and edited together 360 videos that was showcased on virtual reality headsets to the public. They explored different topics such as: raising Ebola in the lab with a technician, walking through the steps that a dental hygienist student goes through with their education/training, and seeing medical students go through a simulation training of performing open heart surgery on pediatric patients.

I assisted with event setup and safely executing the VR experience to the public. I also helped with technical troubleshooting and engaged in conversation with the community about the collaboration between BIG and STAT and what was being showcased.

To find out more about HUB Week, BIG, and STAT, please click on the links below:
HUB Week: www.hubweek.org
BIG: www.brooklineinteractive.org
STAT: www.statnews.com

Images by HUBweek.org, Brookline Interactive Group, STAT, and Amy Harding.


May 28, 2012

I just got done helping Kelso Longview Television (KLTV) film a four day baseball tournament for surrounding colleges in Washington state, for the Northwest Athletic Association of Community Colleges (NWAACC).  This tournament was streamed live through KLTV’s website for the friends and families of the players – and some were even watching the tournament in Mexico.  I was involved in part of the set-up for the filming of the games and ran camera for three of the four days.  In the video above, you can see the game winning catch from Longview Community College’s (LCC) outfielder Derek Salberg.  This made it to number one on ESPN’s Top 10 Plays of the Day, and Derek has gotten recognition from KOIN, KGW, Yahoo News, and many other news stations.  It also has had over one million hits on YouTube.  I’m glad that I could be part of this team!  To visit KLTV’s website, click here.  Additional productions with KLTV has included filming local high school and college graduations, high school football games, and the yearly Cowlitz County fair and rodeo activities, to name a few.



May 21, 2012

Last weekend, I worked for the media production services that was done by Electronic Media students and staff at The Evergreen State College for the college’s Return to Evergreen celebration.  This celebration was to celebrate the 40 years that the college has had graduating students, and it is noted as being the longest and most complex production that Electronic Media has put on to-date (even bigger than graduation)!  I worked productions from Thursday through Sunday, and was involved in filming, audio reinforcement, and being the PowerPoint technician.  I helped crew events for the Animation Panel Discussion, featuring Matt Groening (creator of The Simpsons) and Craig Bartlett (creator of Hey Arnold!), the Lynda Weinman Lunch (creator of Lynda.com), the President’s Recognition Dinner, classroom seminars, and the bands on Red Square on Saturday night.  The bands consisted of the Brown Edition, 7 on 7, and Lake – lasting from 6-10pm.  You can see me running camera for the President’s Recognition Dinner in the third photo, and running the PowerPoint presentation for the Animation Panel in the twelfth photo.  The productions put on by Electronic Media was a huge success.  Congrats goes out to all that put in so much of their time and hard work to make this weekend possible!  To find out more about Return to Evergreen, click here.

Photos courtesy of Shauna Bittle – Photo Services at The Evergreen State College